
Posted by Early Tokyo

We were live in this world and the time is ticking while we are never pay attention to the sense of life itself, don't we ever realized if we are getting close to the death while we always celebrating our birthdays and said “today I have 1 more day in my life..”, too shame...too shame.... on us...

Alloh SWT in says : Every soul is to taste death, then you shall return to Us”, this ayat is taken from surah Al Ankabut : 57.

This is words of Alloh SWT The Mighty The Merciful, His promises is true, all of the living thing will facing the death, no matter what degree we have, education, wealth, poor, rich, handsome, beautiful, hero, villain, anything... the death will come across and no such any delay, if the time is come, then it is.

Unfortunately, most of people didn't care about this, mostly they see this is just coincident matter, the death is just common and just the business as usual. But we never learn what is behind of death is (was), and we are always avoiding to thinking and talking about death. Nowadays, we were trying makes ourself busy with all of future plan for living (in this world, not hereafter), we're busy with all contrary things with death, everything is about wealthiness, where and what prestige university for college, which company I'll choose to have big best income, where is the best place for laying down to spent upon weekend.

There is nothing wrong with all of mentioned above, it's all is right, but... we must compare, when we take a seriously to make a plans for such temporary living in this earth, so why don't we think more seriously with live hereafter, and before that, we must facing the death first. We might says “I want to live for next 1000 years”, in fact we never know what will happen in the next minutes.

Say: “The death from which ye flee will truly overtake you, then will ye be sent back to the Knower of things secret and open and He will tell you (the truth of) the the things that ye did!” Surah Al Jumu'ah : 8

It's begin, when we are releasing our last breath, and then we are just a flesh and bones without soul, and it turn into rotten body, disgusting death meat, and no one want to get close but worm and dirt does. Do we ever thing about it? In the last second?

We might said “what for? For what? It's such boring and thriller that freaks out people...”

Yes, thats right, but the death is true, why?

Thing about this....

How many times you've made lie to people and you never make even one single apologize but make it the right things even you know it was evil?

How many times you hurt someone or anyone and you never feel guilty even say “I'm sorry” is become the hardest thing because you are a proud person?

How much you've spent your wealths to help poor people? Beggar?

How many times you've honored your mother/father and say a pray them to proves that yu love them with wish they'll will in the jannah but in other hands you makes others hurt?

How many lies you've committed to Alloh SWT while you swore under His name and you never made any taubatan nasuha till this second you read this?

How many time you've challenge the death with consuming any forbidden food and liquids while you are swore that you are a moslem?

And how you will facing the death itself?

Do you will keep on all of that things in the front of His judgment while you never make it up while you living on earth?

Almost people thing like this, I'll make a taubah when my age is getting close to the end and when I can't do anything else but pray”, but brother and sister.... once again we must consider this, do we know what will happen to us in the next minutes, hours, day, week, years..... do we know when Izrail do his job to us?

If you do, then you equal to Alloh SWT, while His angels, His messenger, the most closest and beloved messenger Muhammad PBUH, never know when it will come. But once again, Alloh promises is the true promises.

Say: "Running away will not profit you if ye are running away from death or slaughter; and even if (ye do escape), no more than a brief (respite) will ye be allowed to enjoy!" Al Ahzab : 16

In other words, you can run but you can't hide from the death..........

Wallohu alam bishowab.....

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