The miracle of fingerprint

Posted by Early Tokyo


Some scientist have found that an Egyptian mummy that has been embalmed ages ago, still have its fingerprints very clear and unchanged.

What fingerprint is? And what the purpose of the creation of fingerprint?

As the Moslem, we have guided by Alloh SWT through His words which write down as book called Qur’an or Furqan. For two question above, we can clearly found what Alloh SWT  says where is mentioned about fingerprint and the purpose of it, let see…

“I do call to witness the Resurrection Day; And I do call to witness the self reproaching spirit (eschew Evil)”

“Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones?”

“Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers”

“But man wishes to do wrong (even) in the time in front of him”

(Q.S. Al Qiyamah, verse 1,2,3,4)



In mentioned of this verses, it was sent down since the disbelievers denies the ability of Alloh SWT to give life back to the dead and to assemble their bones. So Alloh SWT replied through His word which put on His messenger Muhammad SAW, that He is able to recreate the very small finger tips and organize and structure them, so He is surely able to recreate much bigger things.

Now, we are where live in present live, we can see the useful of fingerprints, every human being, including identical twins, has a particular fingerprint. Therefore individuals can be identified according to their fingerprints, and now we have DNA system used nowadays.

Is fingerprint can be removed or changed? According to one of the article at it says:

This fingerprint is unique, cannot be changed, can be use for identification.

And also known that the Chinese using fingerprint to sign documents at about 1000 BCE.

So what makes them individual unique? It’s the number, location and shape of the specific ridges.

So it cannot be changed, absolutely, except if our flesh on our hands are completely removed, then our body have no ability to redevelop of skin. But it’s not the form of transformation or change. If we wish to change the shape, location and number of the specific ridges, then we are just do the useless thing.

A year later In 1893 the Scottish consul, Edward Henry has set up an easy system to collect and organize the fingerprints of people. He suggested that a finger print could be classified as one of eight types and he considered that the ten fingerprints of the hand are the whole unit to identify a person. In the same year the fingerprints were introduced in Scotland police offices as a direct and a very strong proof.

Since discovering the fingerprints scientists have carried many studies and experiments in different races of people and no resemblances have been found

The fingerprints are essential for detecting a person in spite his refusal to admit the truth. And even if a the appearance of a person changes due to age, an illness, a surgery or an accident , it is possible to identify him by referring to the fingerprints.

That's why Allah has said in a verse of the Quran:

“On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear witness against them as to their actions” Q.S. An Nur verse 24)

And maybe the hands and legs of the sinners will witness on the day of judgment, due to the fingerprints left on the places where the sins were committed.

When the disbelievers in Mecca have denied the existence of the day of judgment, and refused to accept the power of Allah and his ability to send them back after there death and to gather there bones, Allah has answered that he is not just able to reform there bones but also to recreate there fingerprints, this small part of the human body which identifies its carrier and allow us to differentiate between individuals under any circumstances. All this was proven by scientific experiments in the end of the 19th century.


Alloh SWT says “Soon we will show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?” (Q.S. Fussilat verse 53)

Subhanalloh….wallohualam bishowab….

Black Widow, dangerous & poisonous eight legged

Posted by Early Tokyo in

Almost, not all,  people thing that spider is just the same with another insects, bug…. as we always thought the shrimps is one of kind of fish!

Why we think on that way? because our head, our mind, and our eyes has been deceived. Oh yea…. sure, I’ll make sure to all of us, there is nothing so important in this world more than “what’s your brain say so”.

And then here goes the facts that makes you think all of your knowledge, our knowledge is beyond, far away that you thought it was enough. Think twice that we are the most full with knowledge creatures on earth… in your dream….

Lets go down to the topic, what Arachnid is, Arachnids are a class (Arachnida) of joint-legged invertebrate animals in the subphylum Chelicerata. All arachnids have eight legs, but some exceptions are of some species having the first pair legs convert to sensory function and harvest mite larvae have only 3 pairs of legs. The term arachnid is from the Greek word άράχνη or arachne, meaning spider, and also referring to the mythological figure Arachne.

black widow

scorpion Arachnids are chiefly terrestrial arachnidss, but are also found in freshwater and, with the exception of the pelagic zone, in all marine environments. They comprise over 100,000 named species, including spiders, scorpions, harvestmen, ticks, and mites.

As we can see 2 figures above, there are two kind of arachnid, figure number 1 is the most venomous spider in the world, even the famous rattlesnake can not compare with it toxic venom.

Let’s see the curious facts about BLACK WIDOW spider

  1. Black Widow is considered the most venomous spider in North America. In this case not just in America, but in the world
  2. The venom of the black widow spider is 15 times as toxic as the venom of the prairie rattlesnake.
  3. This one is one of interesting matter, only the female Black Widow is dangerous to humans; males and juveniles are harmless.
  4. And another cruelly scary habits of black widow is the female Black Widow will, on occasion, kill and eat the male after they mate. This is bizarre behavior.

What we can learn from this creatures? Well we might says, be careful to female creatures, especially widow ha ha…. joking…. (if you think so)



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